Tsugaru Lacquerware Nanako-Nuri Chopsticks with Mother-of-Pearl Inlay - Exceptional Durability and Elegance
These chopsticks combine the traditional Tsugaru-nuri technique of Nanako-nuri with mother-of-pearl inlay, resulting in an innovative and elegant design. Known for its exceptional durability, Tsugaru lacquerware ensures these chopsticks are built to last.
About the Origin - Tsugaru Lacquerware
Tsugaru lacquerware originated in the early Edo period and is created through a meticulous process of applying and polishing lacquer in layers, requiring approximately 50 steps. This painstaking craftsmanship gives the chopsticks their renowned durability, earning them the nickname “Baka-nuri” (fool’s lacquer) for the extraordinary time and effort involved.
In addition to their robustness, Tsugaru lacquerware showcases a variety of decorative techniques, including Karanuri, Nanako-nuri, Monsha-nuri, and Nishiki-nuri. These methods highlight the artistry and versatility of this traditional craft, resulting in chopsticks that are both functional and visually stunning.