Echizen Lacquerware Chopsticks Set - Gold Sakura Pattern
These chopsticks feature a beautiful design of cherry blossoms, a symbol of Japan, with gold accents that become more vibrant over time. This unique characteristic is due to the use of genuine lacquer, which enhances its brilliance with age. Additionally, their dishwasher-safe feature adds to their practicality.
Made in Echizen, Fukui Prefecture, these chopsticks are crafted using natural wood and genuine lacquer, finished to be dishwasher-safe for your convenience and peace of mind.
Craftsman – Naoto Tsuchida
As a specialist in bowls and chopsticks, Tsuchida Naoto creates a wide variety of meticulously crafted lacquered chopsticks. These chopsticks are finished using a special lacquer technique developed with a new method, incorporating gold leaf for decoration, making them highly durable.
Origin – Echizen Lacquerware
Echizen lacquerware dates back as early as the 6th century. The technique known as Hana-nuri, where lacquer is applied to prevent brush marks and dust, gives these chopsticks their distinct finish. Many of these chopsticks have a smooth, pleasant feel that allows users to appreciate the full beauty of the lacquer. Additionally, gold leaf increases in beauty over time, making these chopsticks a joy to use and admire.